Start a Return

Please complete this form to begin your return process. After you have submitted your return, enclose the confirmation in your package using the detailed instructions for the safety of Cutco and all carriers. Call for assistance.

Details about the order

Order Details

A valid 8-digit order number is required. This can be found in your order confirmation email or on the packing slip shipped with the item.

An order number is required to process your return. If the order number is not known, please call customer service at .

Did you purchase this item or was it a gift?

Is this a return or an exchange?

Packaging Instructions

  • COVER CLEAN KNIVES COMPLETELY AND SECURELY. Cereal box cardboard or the original cardboard sheath shipped with your items work well. Wrap in an extra layer of tissue paper or newspaper.
  • DO NOT USE TAPE ON THE BLADES OR HANDLES. Tape or adhesives cannot be removed and those items cannot be serviced.
  • DO NOT SHIP IN A PADDED OR PAPER ENVELOPE. Place only knives in a sturdy corrugated cardboard box. The knives shouldn't be able to freely move around in the box. Fill excess space with tissue paper or newspaper.
  • DO NOT SHIP YOUR BLOCK OR TRAY. Knives will fall out of the slots and the box during transport, causing danger to all carriers. Wrap each knife separately and securely.
  • INCLUDE YOUR PRINTED CONFIRMATION IN YOUR PACKAGE. If paying by check, please make payable to Cutco, and include in your package.

Shipping Instructions

  • We recommend you insure your package for the current retail value and retain your receipts. An average of $125 per knife is recommended if the retail value is unknown.
  • Ship your package using USPS, UPS or FedEx to:
    Cutco Customer Service, Returns / Exchanges, 322 Houghton Ave., Olean, NY 14760-3152
    Ship your package to:
    Vector Marketing Canada Corporation, Returns / Exchanges, 7-2351 Huron Street, London, ON N5V 0A8


  • If the exchanged item has a greater retail price, an additional payment may be required. Cutco will contact you if that applies. The additional payment can be paid by check or credit/debit card. For exchanges of items Cutco shipped incorrectly, there will be no additional payment.