Mauro and Maddalena Castano
Owners of Carlo's Bakery, Media Personalities and Home Cooks
Mauro and Maddalena Castano of TLC's Cake Boss, Buddy vs. Duff, Buddy vs. Duff Christmas, Kitchen Boss, Next Great Bakery and a new show airing on A&E, Cake Dynasty, are owners of Carlo's Bakery, a global bakery empire, social media personalities and home cooks. Mauro learned to cook after moving to America from Milan, Italy, and Maddalena learned to cook from her Italian immigrant parents. The love for food and home cooking has solidified their love and has become their love language. Cutco has been a part of their story from the start of their marriage, 32 years ago when they received their first set, the Essentials + 5 Set! Without any official culinary training Mauro and Maddalena know how to whip up delicious and simple dishes. They understand that everything involving food today is about the social media post moment, but they believe with simplicity and love, your food will always be delicious and warm the heart. Without love, laughter and a little bit of fun, cooking turns into a chore instead of a bond and come-together moment! When they are not cooking for themselves and family they enjoy a nice day at the beach, a good night out for dinner and quality family time at home.
Favorite Knife: 6-3/4" Petite Carver