Halloween Recipes and Tips for Kids
3448 days ago

Halloween, it seems, has turned into the younger sister of Christmas when it comes to celebrating. Elaborate parties, decorated homes and plenty of Halloween movies on television mark the holiday these days.
Store shelves are lined with bags of candy treats. In fact, candy sales this time of year average about $2 billion in the United States, with chocolate topping the list. For as many varieties of candy there are, there are as many ways to celebrate the holiday.
If you're looking for treats for the kids without any tricks, try these easy recipes.
If you're planning a party for kids, here are some simple tips to keep it festive, not frightening.
• Make sure the party is age appropriate. Some small children are afraid of ghosts and witches.
• Have the children decorate pumpkins instead of carving. Along with the paint brushes and paint, set out shaped sponges, markers, decals, stickers, dried moss and even cut up vegetables that can be secured with toothpicks.
• Instead of candy, send children home with goody bags filled with Halloween pencils, small coloring books, stickers and small boxes of raisins.