How to Thinly Slice Onions With a Vegetable Peeler
2731 days ago

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm a kitchen knife purist. In other words, I shy away from shortcuts when it comes to cutting fruits and vegetables. However, this trick for thinly slicing onions with a Vegetable Peeler intrigued me so I gave it a try.
I would not recommend using a peeler every time you want sliced onions, but what I like about this method is that the onion slices are super thin and would work great on things like salads or pizzas. This is also a great way to get kids to help in the kitchen, since a Vegetable Peeler might be a little easier and safer to handle than a sharp knife.
To be fair, you will need a chef knife or santoku knife to cut the ends off the onion and to cut it into quarters.

Once the onion is in quarters, take a sharp Vegetable Peeler and start peeling off thin slices of onion.

What I like about the result is that the onion slices are uniformly thin. Along with using them to top salads and pizza, the thin slices are also great for sandwiches and for topping bite-sized appetizers.
Give it a try and let us know how you like it.