Super Easy Oven-Roasted Turkey
4018 days ago
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- 2 sticks butter
- 21 to 22lb defrosted turkey
- Large roaster
- Preheat the oven to 350°F . To prepare turkey, remove neck bone and giblet bag. Wash turkey in cold water and pat very dry with paper towels (this step is important to get a nicely browned and crisp skin).
- Melt butter. Place turkey in roaster and pour butter over entire turkey. Cover with roaster lid. After one hour remove lid and baste bird thoroughly with juices.
- Continue basting the turkey with the juices every half hour until turkey is finished cooking. If using a bird with a timer stem turkey is finished when stem pops up – we recommend testing the interior of turkey with a meat thermometer to ensure it has reached 170F.
- Remove turkey from oven cover with roaster lid and allow to sit 20 minutes or up to 35 minutes before slicing. Reserve the juices for gravy.